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Submitted by CharlesDove on Thu, 2022-10-13 01:10
Norm's Garage
Saturday, Oct 01, 2022 - 05:00am to Thursday, Oct 13, 2022 - 08:00am

The group gathered together in the CVS parking lot on Hwy 281. We drove along the scenic back roads to club member Norm Gloriso and wife Kathy's home in Wimberely, Texas. Norm and Kathy invited the group for lunch at their home before our plan to go to the Wimberley Market days event. 12 club members were in attendance on this sunny cool morning. Before entering the house, Norm gave uus a tour of his 4 car garage. Aside from their SUV Acura for a functional vehicle, there was a very interesting Acura NSX mid engine sports car in superb condition. And of course Norm's 2 Mercedes-Benz's. His new S AMG Coupe, and his 1966 SL230 Pagoda. After the tour of the garage, we enjoyed some Texas barbecue and side dishes provided by Norm and Kathy. Their home is located in the Texas hill country with some excellent views from their living room windows. Some of us sat outside on the back patio that overlooked the nearby Texas hills. Joe and his significant other Kathy joined us after their shopping adventure at the Wimberley Market days. enjoyed discussions or world affairs, cars, trips and Mercedes vehicles... we were joined by 2 new members Marcus Henning and his wife in their 2000 SL500. As for Joe and Kathy, they spent some money at Market days... as for the rest of us - we never made it there. We had too good of a time with Norm and Kathy and visiting with other club members - until the Market Days event was closed... but in any event, we all had a great day and a great ride in the Texas Hill Country.